11:01:15 - 12/03/2025  


ELWOOD BY CET is the new trade mark which stems from the collaboration of experts who have been operating in the wood drying sector for twenty years and a manufacturer who is occupied in the measurement and data transmission sector.
The experience acquired on the field with wood dryer manufacturers allows us to assess in depth the characteristics and the way in which a good control unit must operate.s.

- MOD. R33-I e R33 PLUS
- MOD. R1000
- MOD. R2000

THE TECHNOLOGY applied uses the most modern solutions in the electronic field in programming and data transmission both as far as the hardware and the software are concerned. We are confident of the quality of the product and we are interested in establishing a business relationship and a collaboration with any manufacturer wishing to develop highly personalised products.

THE MEASUREMENTS CARD - It is clear that to carry out any drying program one requires that the following measurement values in the kiln be as accurate as possible: wood humidity, temperature and relative humidity. Great attention has thus been paid to the creation of the basic measurement card which supplies data to the R33 and R2000 control units.

ACCURACY IN THE WOOD HUMIDITY MEASUREMENT - great accuracy is obtainable solely with the wood weighing method, a method which unfortunately is very difficult to apply from a practical point of view. A good alternative is the measurement of electric conduction using electrodes placed in the timber. There are several factors which determine the measurement in addition to the water quantity, presence of minerals, type and density of the material etc. Furthermore, one must consider the factors which derive from the type of installation itself such as the presence of magnetic fields, difference in potential between the piles of timber and the ground plates, etc. The knowledge of these phenomena, the need of reducing all unwanted effects and the limitations of the old systems used until the present have encouraged us to create a new system in which the combination of a method and software processing has allowed us to obtain good results for a measurement range between 6% and 120%.

FLEXIBILITY - There are two types of cards depending on the method used to measure the relative humidity. One uses a cellulose plate sensor and the other the dry/humid bulb method.

MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION - The system is equipped with a practical calibration program which allows the tester to correct any measurement errors caused by environmental situations.

DATA TRANSMISSION - All of the information which is collected must be converted to the digital system to be able to be transferred without any mistakes to the control unit which can also be positioned at a distance.
